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Scottish Government's glowing zero artwork puts spotlight on Findhorn Ecovillage climate action ahead of COP26

By Lorna Thompson

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A GLOWING artwork is touring Scotland to highlight climate action and nature conservation under way in local communities, including at Findhorn Ecovillage, as the nation prepares to host the UN Climate Change Conference, COP26.

As part of a Scottish Government campaign, Let's Do Net Zero, a sustainable, glowing zero artwork is being taken to Scotland's seven cities this week.

The aim is to underline positive work being carried out towards Scotland's mission of reaching net zero emissions by 2045 to help address the global climate crisis.

The zero landed at Inverness’s Ness Islands last night to spotlight positive work under way throughout the north and Moray.

Initiatives at Findhorn include organic fresh vegetables being grown and distributed from the park, generating renewable energy via the use of solar panels to heat homes, and an ecological wastewater treatment to treat its sewage.

Tara Gibsone, partnerships project lead at Findhorn Ecovillage, said: "The Findhorn Foundation community and ecovillage has evolved over the past 50 years as a living laboratory, pioneering alternatives and innovative solutions towards a sustainable future.

"It is an experiment and a demonstration centre for how we might forge a new trajectory for our planet – personally, socially, economically and ecologically.

"The project models a full-feature human settlement that combines a supportive social-cultural environment with a low-impact lifestyle.

Tara Gibsone, partnerships project lead at Findhorn Ecovillage. Picture: Tony Marsh.
Tara Gibsone, partnerships project lead at Findhorn Ecovillage. Picture: Tony Marsh.

"Many offshoot businesses and charities have sprung from the community and the area is now home to a rich tapestry of organisations working towards a sustainable future.

"The Findhorn Ecovillage has long since been used as a teaching resource by a number of universities and school groups.

"The community continues to actively explore opportunities for, and requirements of, a more flexible, decarbonised energy system."

Glasgow will host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) from October 31 to November 12.

As all eyes are set to turn to Scotland, a YouGov poll has found that many people across the country now recognise the need to play their part to help tackle climate change.

The online survey of 1004 adults found almost half (46 per cent) said they were already planning to make changes. Some 20 per cent said they were unsure how to make changes. A third (34 per cent) said they had no plans to make any future lifestyle changes.

Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport Michael Matheson said: "Scotland was one of the first countries to declare a climate emergency, and as a nation we have already made great progress in tackling climate change.

"We have halved Scotland’s greenhouse gas emissions, and we are determined to reach net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045.

"Ending our contribution to the climate emergency within a generation will require transformational change across all parts of the economy and society.

"This campaign seeks to shine a light on the positive action taking place right across the country to inspire greater action and the Scottish Government will play its part to support people in Scotland to make these changes."

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