RECRUITMENT for 20 new Covid support teachers for Moray’s schools has begun.
TWO Moray Conservative councillors have welcomed a pledge to reopen some public toilets in the region.
Moray's education committee chairwoman has welcomed the decision to raise thousands of exam grades across Scotland
AGE Scotland's campaign to restore free TV licences for the over-75s has been backed by a local MSP.
Government support for Moray firms during the lockdown has been welcomed by the region's MP.
CONCERNS over the Covid spike in Aberdeen has seen Buckie Classic Car Show cancelled.
A VERY different way of life will greet BCHS students on their return, the school's rector has warned.
THERE is a lot of support out there for those facing losing their job, the DWP have stressed.
IMPROVING results in the most unusual of times has been the story for local senior school students locally and across Moray.
MORAY Council have urged parents to park responsibly when school runs begin again on Tuesday.
A CULLEN tourism group are celebrating after being thrown a financial lifeline by VisitScotland.
PARENTS worried about their child returning to or starting school have a new dedicated support service for practical help and advice.
MOTs and eyesight requirements take MSP Stewart Stevenson on a trip down memory lane in his blog the Diary of the Eighth Decade.
Bumper landings recorded at Buckie Harbour.
A 10-week consultation on a draft transport strategy for the north-east has been launched.
THE cancellation of Moray’s agricultural shows due to Covid-19 is a real loss to the local farming sector and local communities, a local MSP has said.
AN umbrella organisation which seeks to promote and sustainably develop the Moray coast has changed its name.
THERE'S something fishy afoot in our latest Pet of the Week feature, run in association with the SSPCA.
VISITING at NHS Grampian has suspended at hospitals in Aberdeen City with immediate effect.
Following Covid spike in Granite City