20 March 2021
ASDA Elgin donated 10 laptops to the school.
16 March 2021
THE decision has been made after an online poll of Moray residents.
15 March 2021
A MORAY College UHI student is currently being featured on the Masterchefs of Great Britain website as a ‘Masterchef of the Future’.
15 March 2021
P3 pupils at the school have been asked to self-isolate, while the nursery remains closed.
12 March 2021
INSPIRING young people who have Additional Support Needs (ASN) is at the core of two forthcoming workshops.
11 March 2021
The nursery, located within the school building, has been closed since Monday due to staff shortages.
07 March 2021
The University of the Highlands and Islands is experiencing an ongoing 'cyber incident'.
07 March 2021
KEEPING their sparkle has helped light the way for staff at Cullen Primary during the often dark days of the pandemic.
06 March 2021
STEVEN Dunbar turned helping pupils at Keith Grammar School into a family project after watching a TV programme on home learning.
04 March 2021
EDUCATION will be at the forefront of plans as Scotland exits lockdown.
03 March 2021
MOST students at Buckie Community High School may not be back at their desks yet, but that is no excuse to miss out on World Book Day (WBD).
02 March 2021
First initiated by the charity UNESCO, World Book Day's mission is to offer every child and young person the opportunity to have a book of their own.
25 February 2021
A REVIEW of Scotland’s education system must be published before May's election, according to a local MSP.
21 February 2021
CELEBRATING 10 year anniversary in a different way.
18 February 2021
HEAD of education at Moray Council thanks parents.
16 February 2021
PHASED return to school for pupils.
14 February 2021
THE true story of a war hero cat has been brought to life by a north-east author.
07 February 2021
HOMESCHOOLING can put pressure on families' budgets but there are ways to help look after those pennies.
14 January 2021
AFTER a 30-month delay, Linkwood Primary School opened its doors this morning for the first time.
08 January 2021
THE vast majority of university and college students will learn online throughout January and February.