Archery hits the spot for Arradoul SWI members
THERE was a chance for Arradoul SWI members to channel their inner Robin Hood when they held their June meeting recently.
After the meeting was opened by President Coleen Mackenzie Derek Samson from Isla Archery, Keith, took to the floor.
He went on to give a fascinating talk on archery, taking the opportunity to explain the origins of the bows and arrows he had brought with him.
Members were also very interested in the examples of Medieval armour Mr Samson showed them. Everyone then had the chance to step outside and try their hand at a spot of archery.
The monthly competition winners were: Archery - 1. Marion Hopkinson; 2. Donna Trowbridge. Garden Photo - 1. Marion Hopkinson; 2. Margaret Thomson.
The next meeting on Tuesday, September 17 when there will be a talk by the Scottish Air Ambulance.
Throughout the month of July the usual afternoon teas will be served each Sunday at Arradoul Hall from 2pm - 4.30pm.