Buckie campaign highlights how bad parking could cost lives
Think before you park - that is the message behind a new multi-agency campaign.
Police Scotland and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) in Buckie, as well as local councillors, have come together to highlight the potentially grave effects inconsiderate parking can have, especially when it blocks emergency services vehicles from reaching those in need.
As part of the campaign, the Fire Service have drawn up leaflets shining a spotlight on the size of modern fire engines - 8.5m by 2.6m - as well as some simple hints and tips to help drivers leave enough room for emergency vehicles to pass.
This includes not parking on double yellow lines or Keep Clear signs, refraining from parking within 3m of a junction (to give fire engines enough room to turn in) and always parking as close to the kerb as possible. When parked, it is also helpful to ensure the vehicle’s wheels are straight and not sticking out, while parking on emergency access routes should be avoided at all times.
Parking illegally can result in fines or the vehicle being towed away.
SFRS Group Commander Davie Hendry said: “I would encourage members of the public to have a wider consideration for access for emergency vehicles when parking their own vehicles.
“For example, a standard sized fire engine requires at least 3.1 meters (10 ft) of clearance to get past. Even if there are no parking restrictions where the individual is parking, wider consideration to the space now left will aid emergency crews progressing to an incident swiftly and safely.
“Crews can lose vital seconds in an emergency situation by having to negotiate a tight space or re-route all together due to inconsiderate parking.”
Buckie police Inspector David Robertson commented: “A common concern raised by the public is regarding inconsiderate and illegal parking.
“We regularly carry out parking enforcement, particularly where a vehicle is parked in a dangerous location or is causing an obstruction.
“We would urge all drivers to park responsibility and to be considerate of others.”
Backing the campaign are Buckie councillors Neil McLennan and Sonya Warren.
Councillor McLennan noted that parking were regularly flagged up by members of the public.
He continued: "Parking issues have been brought to the attention of councillors over a period of time.
“It seemed wise to bring together partners to discuss this and I was appreciative of fellow councillors, senior police and local and regional senior fire officers coming together. It has been a great example of cross party and cross agency working.
“We have already seen police enforcement action locally and we now have a very powerful social media campaign led by the Fire Service highlighting the dangers of inconsiderate parking. We would ask everyone locally to take note given the consequences of poor parking.
“Inconsiderate and dangerous parking issues will only be resolve by educating drivers, such as this social media campaign; enforcement action on illegal parking; and work on signage and parking solutions where we can progress these. It is good to see some of these issues starting to progress.
“I would urge the public to take notice of the hard hitting campaign on the dangers of inconsiderate parking."
Councillor Warren said: “It's really disappointing that many drivers only pay attention to parking restrictions when enforcement happens and fines are imposed.
“The blue light services quite clearly are highlighting the risks and dangers of inconsiderate parking. Community safety should be paramount to everyone.
“We also need to be aware of children and people with mobility issues trying to cross roads too, keeping lowered kerbs and narrowed crossing points clear and visible would help reduce risks and prevent accidents, too.”