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Moray West Community Council Report from Lossiemouth and Fochabers, Forres and Speyside Community Policing team lists array of crimes committed in April

Forres Police Station on Victoria Road.
Forres Police Station on Victoria Road.

A CHILD caught with illegal drugs, a stolen car set on fire, carrying an offensive weapon, assaulting a child, extortion and failing to stop after an accident - all crimes committed in Forres in April.

The sizeable Moray West Community Council Report from the Lossiemouth and Fochabers, Forres and Speyside Community Policing team lists much of the antisocial behaviour, violence and disorder, acquisitive crime, road safety and road crime reported during the four week period.

Police Inspector Neil Morrison confirmed it aims to highlight emerging issues, and to provide crime prevention advice and guidance.

He said: “Our focus is to reduce crime and disorder, help create safer communities and respond effectively to local concerns.

“Contact myself or the team if there are any issues you wish to raise or discuss.”

THere were a number of incidents of antisocial behaviour, violence and disorder around Forres in April.

There were four reports of vandalism for April. Lines of enquiry are being followed, using CCTV and house-to-house enquiries.

There were three reports of threatening and abusive behaviour. Two people have been charged, with one reported to the Procurator Fiscal and another being issued a recorded police warning. Enquiries are still on going to the third.

Two people were charged with breach of the peace at a licensed premises, for causing a disturbance. Both were issued with fixed penalty notices.

There was a report of an assault at a licensed premises. A suspect has been identified and enquiries are ongoing.

There were three personal amounts of controlled substances seized. One owner has been issued a recorded police warning, another a verbal warning as they were under 16, and the third has outstanding enquiry.

There was a report of a dangerous, out-of-control, small, white dog biting a member of the public. It is suspected that false details were provided by the suspect, this is being reviewed.

There was a report of an attempted wilful fire raising and other offences to a van outside a home which failed, then when an attempt to gain entry to the property failed, the suspects fled in a vehicle that was dumped and set on fire. A positive line of enquiry is ongoing.

There were three reports of people assaulting partners. Two accused were released from custody to appear at court. The other crime has ongoing enquiries.

Someone was traced, arrested and charged following a report of them acting in an aggressive manner whilst carrying an offensive weapon and damaging property. A report was sent to the Procurator Fiscal.

A person was charged with assault for grabbing a youth who had been playing ‘chap door run’, as well as harassing the family and neighbours for some time. A report was sent to the Procurator Fiscal.

An enquiry is ongoing into a report of an assault against a child by an adult. A person charged for a breach of bail conditions has been released to appear at court.

Acquisitive crime was also prevalent in the report.

There was a report of a theft of a hybrid bicycle from a garden shed in a Findhorn property. Enquiries are ongoing.

Thee was a report of a theft of a motor vehicle from outside a home. There are potential lines of enquire with CCTV. A suspect has been identified with local companies and enquires are ongoing.

There was a report of theft and attempted theft of clothing from a local recreational facility. There are positive lines of enquiry with a suspect identified.

April saw four reports of theft by shoplifting from local businesses. Enquires are still ongoing but there are positive lines on suspects.

There was a report of extortion, where images were exchanged and then money or gift vouchers demanded following threats they would be shared with family and friends. Enquiries are ongoing.

There were two reports of fraud: one was in a store in person, where they used confusion to obtain money back; and there was one online fraud, where the victim agreed to buy an item, paying the funds but not receiving it. Both are ongoing enquiries.

Motoring offences also featured highly.

Last month in Forres, five people were charged and reported for driving without valid insurance. One had an additional charge of no valid MOT and another of driving whilst disqualified.

Three people were found to be driving whilst unfit: in one case a small personal amount of drugs were also seized - the suspect was charged and reported to the Procurator Fiscal; the second had additional charges of no MOT, no insurance, driving without a provisional license and lamp offences - enquires are still ongoing; and the third had an additional fail to stop charge - enquiries are still ongoing.

One driver was reported for failing to stop after an accident and two more for failing to wear a seatbelt. Both were reported to the Procurator Fiscal.

Someone was issued a recorded police warning for a defective rear registration plate light.

Another caught driving at 89mph in a 60mph area.

Another was found driving whilst disqualified, along with no insurance, whilst the passenger was charged with aid/abet/counsel and cause and permit no insurance. Both were reported to the Procurator Fiscal.

The public counter is open from 8.15am-4pm Monday-Thursday and 8.15am-2.45pm on Fridays.
The public counter is open from 8.15am-4pm Monday-Thursday and 8.15am-2.45pm on Fridays.

The police can be contacted viai 101 for non-emergencies, 999 for emergencies or via email ForresCPT@scotland.pnn.police.uk

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