Inverness court hears Nairn sex pest exposed himself to girl and sent nude photos to 5 teenage women
Five teenage women and a girl were harassed over a four-year period by a Nairn sex pest who demanded nude photos and sent explicit images to them uninvited.
In the dock at Inverness Sheriff Court was 28-year-old Codey Masson, of Ord View Brae, who had a previous conviction for a similar type sex offence committed during the same time frame of between August 2015 and August 2019.
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He admitted six charges in total, one of engaging in sexual activity with a girl under the age of 16 and five others of communicating indecently with the women and sending photos of male private body parts to them and occasionally exposing himself to some of his victims.
Fiscal depute Pauline Gair told Sheriff Eilidh Macdonald that most of the incidents started innocently on social media but then got increasingly sexualised.
She said that the first offence involved a girl who was around 13 or 14 years old and they met initially at his home.
"They began exchanging messages but on one occasion he met her at the Co-op on Moss-side Road, Nairn, telling her that he liked her more than just a friend,” Mrs Gair said. “She made it clear to him she was not interested in him.
"The accused looked around to make sure that no-one else was present and removed his p**** from his trousers and asked her if she would like to touch it or suck it. She told him to put it away and walked away from him.”
She added that a few days later he encountered her in local woods where he apologised and cuddled her before again showing his private parts and performing a sex act on himself before asking the girl to do it for him. The girl ran away from him.
Mrs Gair then told of a third occasion when the girl was mourning a friend, who died at a house in Nairn, and Masson cuddled her, before touching her intimately before again showing his private parts.
"She told him to f*** off and got up and left the house immediately," Mrs Gair said.
The prosecutor then narrated the experiences of Masson's other five victims where he would repeatedly ask for nude photographs of them, send them photos of male private body parts, of himself lying naked and asking for sex from one of them.
On each occasion, Mrs Gair said, the girls rejected his advances and did not request the images or consent to them being sent.
Defence counsel, Bill Adam briefly addressed Sheriff Macdonald, telling her that his client had not offended since 2019 and it was unfortunate that the previous 2018 offence was not rolled up with these charges.
"He has gone through a social work programme and has moved on," he added.
Sheriff Macdonald deferred sentence until March 12 for a background report and an assessment for Masson to be placed on a programme for rehabilitating sex offenders.
He was immediately placed on the Sex Offenders’ Register.