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Moray football festivals ready to kick-off

Football fun for Moray
Football fun for Moray

THE first of two football festivals in Moray will kick off on Sunday.

Primary 3 girls from the Elgin, Lossiemouth and Forres areas take part in an event at the Cooper Park from 10.30am to noon.

A boys’ festival will take place on Thursday, June 30, from 4-5.30pm.

The project has been funded by the Scottish Football Association and organised through a partnership involving the Girls & Young Women’s Football Development Assistant, Active Schools, and the Moray Council Football Development Officer.

The aim of the project is to provide Primary 3 pupils with a fun introduction to football and to promote local opportunities in the area.

Active Schools co-ordinator, Roy McPherson said: "The curriculum time coaching has gone down really well with the pupils. Over 400 pupils from 13 primary schools have been involved with the sessions and we are expecting a good turnout for the festivals."

Diane Cruickshank, the Girls and Young Women’s Football Development Assistant, added: "This is a great opportunity we have been provided with by the SFA."

P2 pupils have also been invited to Sunday’s festival.

"The North Regional Girls Football League provide football for girls in P4-7 and this new project will now allow us to provide football for Primary 2/3s on a regular basis," she said.

Arthur Jack, the Moray Council Football Development Officer, said: "It was fantastic to get an opportunity to promote the new Elgin and District 4v4 set up so soon."

Further information on football development in the area is available from Arthur Jack on 0797 0974857, or for girls football, Diane Cruickshank on 07891123406.

Local Active Schools updates are available from Roy McPherson on 07966 120515.

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