A96 Investigation: Moray politicians have their say on 'revelations'
POLITICIANS across the political landscape have shared their views on our exclusive A96 investigation.
Conservative and Labour politicians strongly criticised the Scottish Government, claiming they have “shamefully” withheld details of the dualling project from the public and describing the project’s handling as a “scandal”.
Meanwhile, Moray SNP figures emphasised their own histories of pushing for A96 dualling and criticised Westminster cuts to Scottish Government budgets.
The final part of the A96 Investigation was published last week, revealed that the Scottish Government has no money put aside for any A96 dualling plans that might survive the ongoing, year-late, A96 Corridor Review.
The first part of the investigation revealed emails where top Scottish Government figures agreed to remove the pledge to dual the A96 by 2030 from an internal report.
And the second part showed that less than 0.5 per cent of the dualling project’s price tag has been set aside until 2026.
'Financial incompetence – and contempt for rural Scotland’
Moray MP Douglas Ross argued that our investigation’s findings showed the Scottish Government “shamefully continuing to keep people across Moray in the dark over the A96 dualling project”.
"It should not take excellent and diligent investigative work by the Northern Scot to uncover the truth about ministers rowing back on their previous promises to dual the A96,” he added.
“It is clear that even before bringing the anti-car Greens into government, the SNP had gone cold on dualling the A96 and have failed to set aside the money required for it.
“They can spin all they want, but their financial incompetence – and contempt for rural Scotland – is shown by the total lack of progress on making this route safe for motorists.
“The impact on the local economy of the A96 not being fully dualled will be deeply damaging and we have already seen contractors pull out due to the lack of support from SNP ministers.
“I will continue to demand answers from the SNP-Green government as to whether they are still fully committed to dualling the A96, when that will be delivered and if they will finally be upfront and honest with people and businesses in Moray.”
'I’ve long supported the dualling of the A96'
However, Moray MSP Richard Lochhead responded by emphasising his long history of supporting A96 dualling on the basis of economic benefits and safety concerns.
Delays to the scheme were “incredibly frustrating for many in Moray”, he added.
However, he also argued that setbacks were due to funding cuts from Westminster and because the volume of public responses to the year-late A96 Corridor Review had “far exceeded expectations”.
Transport Scotland have claimed that the consultation generated “11,000 options” for what to do with the A96.
"I’ve long supported the dualling of the A96, given the economic benefits for Moray and the real safety concerns that exist,” Mr Lochhead said.
“And I am acutely aware that the delays on progress towards dualling the A96 will have been incredibly frustrating for many in Moray and now Scotland has seen its capital budgets cut by Westminster which poses major challenges for large infrastructure projects.
“However, the level of response to the A96 Corridor Review consultation far exceeded expectations and whilst this level of engagement is positive, it is important that Transport officials scrutinise all suggestions and proposals to ensure that the outcomes from the review tie into the final proposals.
“I received a response from the Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Fiona Hyslop MSP, just this week that makes clear the Scottish Government is committed to improving the A96 with an enhancements programme and the current plan remains to fully dual the route.”
'I’m in my twenties and have said before that I don’t think I’ll see the road dualled in my lifetime'
Councillor Amber Dunbar (Elgin City North, Conservative) argued that our investigation’s “revelations” demonstrated that the “SNP-Green Government continually show contempt for rural Scotland.”
She added: “Communities around Moray rely on this road and residents are losing hope that it will ever be properly upgraded.
“I’m in my twenties and have said before that I don’t think I’ll see the road dualled in my lifetime.
"I hope that I will be proved wrong, but with the way the project has gone so far, I won’t hold my breath.
“I call on the SNP-Green Government to - for once - prioritise the people of rural Scotland and get the A96 dualled once and for all.”
‘We have been pushing the Scottish Government to progress the improvements of the A96’
Councillor Jérémie Fernandes (SNP, Elgin City North) revealed that he has contacted Transport Secretary Fiona Hyslop MSP, in an effort to meet with her about A96 dualling.
He said: “My SNP colleagues and I are fully committed to the dualling of the A96.
“We have been pushing the Scottish Government to progress the improvements of the A96, and it is good to see that we now have designs for the Nairn bypass.
“Nevertheless, the Scottish Government has to deal with the lack of capital funding from the UK Government and challenges caused by Brexit such as the inflation in materials costs.
“I have contacted the Transport Minister Fiona Hyslop MSP, and I hope to meet her soon.”
‘It is clear to me that there is no plan – other than to attempt to hoodwink the people of Moray’
Moray’s Labour group leader Councillor Sandy Keith (Elgin City North) called for Moray MSP Richard Lochhead to quit the Scottish Government in protest over the investigation’s findings.
He also said he was “stunned at the contempt” shown by the Scottish Government to the people of Moray.
The Scottish Government, he argued, had been shown trying to “hoodwink the people of Moray” and he believes the outcome of the A96 Corridor Review will be suppressed until after this year’s UK General Election.
“I must congratulate the Northern Scot for their excellent investigative journalism into the lack of progress on dualling the A96,” Cllr Keith said.
“As a long time campaigner for an Elgin bypass and for full dualling of the A96, I am stunned at the contempt with which the SNP Scottish Government has treated the people of Moray.
“The lack of progress on improvements was noticeable but the Northern Scot’s perseverance has laid the facts before us vividly.
“It is clear to me that there is no plan – other than to attempt to hoodwink the people of Moray – and there is no finance set aside to tackle what is a major issue for the area.
“You wonder what the role of a Transport Minister is when much needed strategic transport improvements are effectively removed from Scottish Government plans.
“I don’t think that we will see the full review of the A96 prior to the election as it is in interests of the SNP to stall its publication which will reveal what we all know to be true – they don’t have a plan, have failed to set aside the budget and never had any intention of doing the work.”
‘I have campaigned as an Elgin Councillor to have the A96 dualled and I continue to campaign as a Westminster candidate to have the A96 dualled.’
Councillor Graham Leadbitter (Elgin City South), the SNP candidate for Moray West, Nairn and Strathspey constituency at this year’s coming UK General Election, said he had pushed for A96 dualling as a councillor and would continue as a Westminster candidate.
He said his party “remains committed to major investment in the A96”, alongside dualling between Inverness and Auldearn.
However, he argued that “public finances are challenging” and blamed the Conservative government.
The SNP, he added, wanted to change how public finances work: “An approach that would be delivered ourselves with the full powers of independence.”
‘For example reducing the speed limit through Brodie to 20mph’
Green MSP Ariane Burgess reacted to the investigation by repeating the Bute House Agreement’s pledge to “take forward a transport enhancements programme” that will include dualling between Inverness and Auldearn and bypasses for Elgin, Keith and Inverurie.
She also said she wanted quick progress on safety improvements, “for example reducing the speed limit through Brodie to 20mph”.
Ms Burgess also claimed that the price of infrastructure projects had increased due to “the Tories’ disastrous Brexit”, and that capital budget cuts from Westminster made it “essential that any capital investment is based on robust evidence”.