Councillors have agreed to seek a court order allowing them to build a bus drop-off area on Common Good land.
Transition Town Forres blame rising costs and lack of usage for their building.
The first week after the introduction of a new ban on mobile phones at Nairn Academy has been hailed as ‘very positive’ by the school.
The project is a partnership between five local authorities across the north to deliver new learning estate.
Parents have until January 24 to register their children for primary school or nursery.
Pilmuir and Lhanbryde nurseries are in line for reduced hours and staffing.
Private school Gordonstoun banned the use of mobile phones during the school day in 2017.
All bar two of Moray’s secondary schools have now shut.
A university has closed two campuses due to worsening weather.
Several primary and secondary schools are closing early as winter weather worsens.