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Amazing response to Buckie Christmas collection

By Alistair Whitfield

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Help can still be given to ensure every child in Buckie has the very best Christmas possible this year.

Organisers of a collection sited at the Riverside Church on East Church Street say they've been completely bowled over by the amount of support they've already had.

So many toys, clothes and food flooded in from generous folk last weekend that two vans had to be hired to transport it all.

Craig Baillie and Lynn Bellingham both have very personal reasons for running the collection.

Craig said: "We have seen the struggles and pain many go through.

"I lost my mum Margaret when I was a young boy, while Lynn's son Daniel, who was my best pal, sadly passed away.

"So we want to do what we can to support kids in Buckie.

"Trying to help local families in need gives us strength to wake up each day.

Just some of last weekend's donations.
Just some of last weekend's donations.

"We are not doing this to get praise. We want to try to make a difference and put smiles on faces.

"It gives us hope that we can help as many families as we can."

The collection is continuing from noon-5pm this Saturday – and all donations will be very welcome.

Craig said: "We will be accepting donations on the day and there will be parcels for all age groups.

"Everything will be handed out to various projects in Moray and will help so many local families.

"The love and support we have received from you all has made us very emotional.

"We are touched by all you have done. We just wish that we could do so much more.

"Thank you again. Merry Christmas to you all. We hope it's a fantastic one."

Bouncy Mania will be at the church from 4pm onwards.

Out of the Darkness theatre company will also be at the venue from the same time, handing out DVDs of their online Christmas panto.

All welcome.

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