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Banned Moray driver caught on mini-quad bike

By Alistair Whitfield

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Elgin Sheriff Court.
Elgin Sheriff Court.

A banned driver has been disqualified for a further six months after the police spotted him riding a mini-quad bike near his home.

Deividas Uzkuraitis rode the 100cc vehicle a short distance along Buckie's Douglas Crescent in order to get to an area of grassland.

Perched upon the agricultural labourer's lap was a one-year-old child.

Elgin Sheriff Court heard that both hands were required to operate the bike's throttle and brakes.

Procurator fiscal Sharon Ralph said: "The accused has no way of holding onto the child who was sitting in front of him."

Matthew O'Neill, acting as defence solicitor for Uzkuraitis, stated his client had believed his ban did not extend to mini-quad bikes.

However, the lawyer added: "He appreciates that ignorance of the law is not a defence."

As regards to allowing the child onto the vehicle, Mr O'Neill admitted it was "beyond foolish".

The lawyer said: "He now realises that the boy was far too young to be with him."

Uzkuraitis (30) pleaded guilty to driving without a licence or insurance.

He also admitted a charge of putting another at risk of accident or injury.

Sheriff Lindsay Foulis replied: "That was not only very stupid, it was very dangerous. And that was going to continue when he got to grass area."

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