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Buckie Boys' Brigade celebrate milestone 75th anniversary

By Alan Beresford

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A WEEKEND of celebrations saw 1st Buckie Company Boys' Brigade mark their milestone 75th anniversary.

Three quarters of a century may have passed since James Duncan first founded the Buckie arm of the national organisation, but the seed planted has not only endured but flourished into one of the biggest BB companies in the UK.

An exhibition of memorabilia in the South and West Church hall from down the decades got the festivities under way on Friday afternoon and ran over the weekend, while that evening there was a songs of praise. Parents, carers and family were joined by members of the public for the occasion.

On Sunday, spectators treated to the sight of the boys marching through the centre of the town to the South and West Church where, at the following service, the company was presented with their Queen's Award for Voluntary Service by the Lord Lieutenant of Banffshire Andrew Simpson. The company were awarded the honour in recognition of their selfless commitment to the wider community over the years.

After the service, the parade reformed and headed for the war memorial where a wreath was laid by the company's longest serving officer, Gordon Pirie.

They were joined at the event by Moray MP Douglas Ross and the former Lord Lieutenant of Banffshire Clare Russell

Company Captain Alan McIntosh spoke of the company's pride at both the Queen's Award and their milestone anniversary as a whole.

He said: "It was a matter of great pride for all of us connected to 1st Buckie Company Boys' Brigade, not only the fact it was our 75th anniversary but the fact we were presented with what must be one of the last Queen's Awards.

"There was a lot of excitement about the whole weekend.

"After 44 years as Company Captain I've seen quite a number of young men go through the company and it's been a privilege to know that they have been greatly helped in securing jobs and so on by what they've learned in the Boys' Brigade and by doing their Queen's Badge.

"It does go a long way in helping them on – it shows commitment and a willingness to get involved.

"I'm very proud of what we do. It might not always be easy but it certainly is worth it."

The past holds plenty for the company to be proud of and the future is also looking rosy as they look forward to moving to their own premises at the Douglas Centre in Buckie by the end of the year.

Captain McIntosh added: "There have been a number of factors behind our ongoing success.

"We have our own programme of activities which is appropriate to the needs and the interests of the boys. The company has strong leadership and we're very fortunate to have committed staff and the South and West Church behind us.

"Both the local community and businesses have been behind us, the support we've had has been quite overwhelming."

Over the course of the weekend visitors to the church were able to see boys from the company undertaking a fundraising cycle challenge, with the aim being to cycle 900 miles on static bikes.

Keep up to date with 1st Buckie Company news by following their Facebook page.

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