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Cadet (15) who helped prevent fellow pupil from drowning is presented with award

By Jonny Clark

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A TEENAGE cadet has been presented with a certificate after helping prevent a fellow pupil from drowning during a swimming session.

Corporal Florence Wareing with the Royal Humane Society's award of commendation after she saved a women's life. Picture: Daniel Forsyth.
Corporal Florence Wareing with the Royal Humane Society's award of commendation after she saved a women's life. Picture: Daniel Forsyth.

Cadet Corporal Florence Wareing (15) was given the honour by Moray’s Lord Lieutenant Major General Seymour Monro in front of friends and family on Wednesday, June 5, at the Elgin Army Reserve Centre

A Certificate of Commendation was conferred on her on behalf of the Royal Humane Society for her actions. It’s the first time a certificate from the Royal Humane Society has been presented to an Elgin cadet.

Corporal Florence Wareing with the Royal Humane Society's award of commendation after she saved a woman's life. Picture: Daniel Forsyth.
Corporal Florence Wareing with the Royal Humane Society's award of commendation after she saved a woman's life. Picture: Daniel Forsyth.
Seymour Monro and Corporal Florence Wareing. Picture: Daniel Forsyth.
Seymour Monro and Corporal Florence Wareing. Picture: Daniel Forsyth.

Florence, who has been a member of the Moray Company detachment since June 2021, was part of a school swimming class in the sea when she noticed a fellow pupil was struggling in the waves.

Although the girl was panicking, Cpl Wareing tried to calm her down and to her to turn onto her back.

She then called others over to support her and, when she felt that it was safe for the girl to be left with her friends, swam over to the lifeguard to alert them.

Her quick thinking and calmness during the incident ensured that a fellow pupil got the help she needed.

In addition, Cpl Wareing was made Lord Lieutenant’s cadet. In this role, she will assist the Lord Lieutenant at official engagements in his capacity as His Majesty The King’s appointed representative for Moray.

Seymour Monro presents Corporal Florence Wareing with the accolade of Lord Lieutenant's Cadet for the year. Picture: Daniel Forsyth.
Seymour Monro presents Corporal Florence Wareing with the accolade of Lord Lieutenant's Cadet for the year. Picture: Daniel Forsyth.

During her time as a cadet Florence has excelled through the Army Cadet Syllabus, most recently completing her 2 Star – the third level of the syllabus – and now almost finished her 3 Star as well as completing her Junior Cadet Instructor Course allowing her to teach junior cadets up to the first two levels of the cadet syllabus.

She is constantly at other detachments helping to instruct the junior cadets.

Sergeant Major Instructor Graeme Wells (32), from 1st Battalion The Highlander’s Elgin Detachment, was presented with a Lord Lieutenant’s Certificate of Meritorious Service for his outstanding commitment to the Cadet Forces.

Seymour Monro presents Sergeant Major Instructor Graeme Wells with a certificate for meritorious service. Picture: Daniel Forsyth.
Seymour Monro presents Sergeant Major Instructor Graeme Wells with a certificate for meritorious service. Picture: Daniel Forsyth.

SMI Wells, who is Detachment Commander of Elgin as well as being the Battalion’s Media Officer, was presented with the certificate at the same time as Florence.

A former cadet of Elgin Detachment himself, Graeme has been volunteering with the Army Cadets since June 2011 where he began his Adult Volunteering as an instructor with Forres Detachment.

In May 2017, SMI Wells transferred to Elgin Detachment where he was appointed as the Detachment’s Commander in October that year.

Seymour Monro presents Sergeant Major Instructor Graeme Wells with a certificate for meritorious service. Picture: Daniel Forsyth.
Seymour Monro presents Sergeant Major Instructor Graeme Wells with a certificate for meritorious service. Picture: Daniel Forsyth.

He has seen cadets from the Detachment travel to all four corners of the United Kingdom to undertake various courses and adventure training experiences, even seeing cadets travel to Canada for international exchanges and Western Europe to take part in battlefield tours.

SMI Wells has been the Battalion’s Media Officer since August 2014. Graeme has also won several awards for his media work.

Lord Lieutenant of Moray Seymour Monro visits the Elgin Army Cadet Detachment. Picture: Daniel Forsyth.
Lord Lieutenant of Moray Seymour Monro visits the Elgin Army Cadet Detachment. Picture: Daniel Forsyth.

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