Can you Support the Young Person’s Guarantee?
By Jolene Young
Have you heard about the Young Person’s Guarantee?
The YPG brings together employers, partners, and young people and across Scotland 622 businesses have signed up to support it – over 90 of these businesses are in Moray!
So what is it? Quite simply, the Young Person’s Guarantee aims to connect every 16–24-year-old with an opportunity.
This could be through a work placement or school engagement right up to an apprenticeship or job offer.
The YPG is made up of five asks, and you can be a YPG business if you support one or more of them (there is no obligation to support all five). These are:
- Ask 1: prepare young people for the world of work.
- Ask 2: help all young people achieve their potential.
- Ask 3: invest in a skilled workforce.
- Ask 4: create jobs, volunteering and training opportunities.
- Ask 5: create an inclusive and fair workplace.
Through our discussions with businesses, we have discovered that so many of them are already meeting these asks and we want to ensure they are all recognised for it.
If you or your business have delivered any engagements within the schools or college, you have met Ask 1. Perhaps you are a mentor through one of the fantastic mentoring schemes in Moray, again this meets Ask 1.
Some young people can face more barriers getting into/remaining in the workplace. If you have supported work tasters or CV and interview preparations, these are examples of support which meet Ask 2.
Investing in a skilled workforce by recruiting or upskilling into a modern or graduate apprenticeship fulfils Ask 3 of the YPG and job creation.
Supporting volunteering and training opportunities within your business meets Ask 4.
Ask 5 is all about a fair and inclusive workplace. We have heard from businesses about lack of applications for vacant positions. Incorporating practices such as flexible work, recognising the employee voice, and paying the real living wage can not only help to attract people to your business, but also meets Ask 5.
We are also going to be hosting free workshops for businesses later in June around support for flexible work and some of the other national schemes which can help businesses.
Having read a bit more about the Asks, you may have recognised that your business does meet one or more of them so what next? Get in touch! One of the DYW Moray team would be happy to meet with you to discuss the YPG and help to complete the simple pro forma.
We will promote your businesses support across social media and your business will be added to the national YPG website showing all the companies across Scotland supporting the YPG.
For any vacancies we advertise on your behalf, we will add a YPG stamp to your logo, and you will also be sent a YPG logo you can add to your letterhead and emails.
If you would like to discuss the YPG or the free support DYW can offer your business, please get in touch at