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Cooper Park in Elgin subjected to racist graffiti including swastika and white supremacy slogans

RACIST graffiti, including a swastika and white supremacist slogans, has appeared in Elgin's Cooper Park.

The graffiti includes infamous white supremacist slogans, a swastika, as well as the use of a racial slur.
The graffiti includes infamous white supremacist slogans, a swastika, as well as the use of a racial slur.

Councillor Jérémie Fernandes (SNP, Elgin North) was alerted to the graffiti by a member of the public on Friday afternoon.

It includes a swastika spray painted on a tree near the skate park, white supremacist slogans on a wall and a racial slur etched onto the ground.

Cllr Fernandes says it is not the first time that graffiti of this nature has appeared in Elgin but added that it does not represent the views of the town.

He said: "It is not the first time I have reported racist graffiti in Elgin to council officers.

"There are clearly a handful of individuals who think it is acceptable to paint far-right slogans on public property.

"Defacing a skate park where kids play is pathetic. Children should not have to see this despicable expression of hate.

"It is not funny, it is not edgy and it certainly does not represent the views of the people of Elgin and Moray.

"The matter is in hand, and I expect the graffiti will be removed soon."

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