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Feeling the Burns across Moray

By Alistair Whitfield

Here are some pics from our files, showing Burns Suppers from right across the region over the years.

Have a good time if you're attending an event this evening.

Forres Golf Club in what's believed to be 1977.
Forres Golf Club in what's believed to be 1977.
Graeme Fullerton addresses the haggis at Hopeman Primary School in 2020. Picture: Daniel Forsyth.
Graeme Fullerton addresses the haggis at Hopeman Primary School in 2020. Picture: Daniel Forsyth.
The 1998 Fogwatt Burns Supper.
The 1998 Fogwatt Burns Supper.
The late John Sievwright addressing the haggis at the Botriphnie Burns Supper.
The late John Sievwright addressing the haggis at the Botriphnie Burns Supper.
Elgin Burns Club Supper in 1978.
Elgin Burns Club Supper in 1978.
Donald Lunan with a DVD that Elgin Rotary produced in 2021 ahead of their virtual Burns Supper. Picture: Daniel Forsyth.
Donald Lunan with a DVD that Elgin Rotary produced in 2021 ahead of their virtual Burns Supper. Picture: Daniel Forsyth.
George Duthie leads in the haggis carried by Aaron Judge at the Mansefield Hotel in Elgin.
George Duthie leads in the haggis carried by Aaron Judge at the Mansefield Hotel in Elgin.
Broadcaster Euan McIlwraith addressing the haggis last year at Banff Bowling Club. Picture: Beth Taylor.
Broadcaster Euan McIlwraith addressing the haggis last year at Banff Bowling Club. Picture: Beth Taylor.
David Smith in full flight at the Mansefield Hotel in Elgin.
David Smith in full flight at the Mansefield Hotel in Elgin.
Kirsty Boyle addressing the haggis in 2018 at the Houldsworth Institute in Dallas. Picture: Daniel Forsyth.
Kirsty Boyle addressing the haggis in 2018 at the Houldsworth Institute in Dallas. Picture: Daniel Forsyth.


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