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Historic walk to mark 125 years of Hopeman Baptist Church

By Millie Reid

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Supporters of Hopeman Baptist Church.
Supporters of Hopeman Baptist Church.

HOPEMAN’S baptist church is celebrating their 125th anniversary by holding a pilgrimage walk commemorating their heritage on Saturday.

The walk from Hopeman to Lossiemouth Baptist Church follows the same route the founders of Hopeman’s church travelled for over 25 years before establishing their own in 1898.

Small groups of families from Hopeman walked the distance every Sunday despite threats from the village’s residents and their relatives.

As the baptist faith grew over the years in Hopeman, it was agreed that a new church would be built in the village.

Many of the church’s members today are descendants of its founders, like Lyndsey Urquart, whose great, great-grandfather Alexander Jack was one of the founders.

She said: “We wanted to use the occasion of our 125th anniversary as an opportunity to

reflect on everyone who has contributed to the church over our history, look at how their

faith in God has guided them and also look to the future to ensure that our church is still

here for another 125 years and spreading God’s word in the community.

“We currently have an exhibition in the church which tells the history and stories of the people who made our church what it is today and it’s been truly wonderful to see that and celebrate 125 years of faith and devotion.”

The walk from Hopeman to Lossiemouth is estimated to take three hours and will start at 2pm, so participants are asked to arrive at Hopeman Baptist Church, Clark Street, at 1.30pm.

Jimmy McPherson, a deacon at Hopeman Baptist Church, said: “Everyone is invited to either join the walk from Hopeman, even for a small part of it, or to attend the service at Lossiemouth Baptist.

“Hopeman's community minibus has very kindly offered to transport those who need back to Hopeman after the walk.”

There will also be a commemorative service the following Sunday (September 9) at 11am, followed by lunch.

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