Inspectors praise St Peter’s Primary School progress
STAFF at St Peter’s Primary School in Buckie have been praised by inspectors from Education Scotland.
After their visit to the school last February, the team returned recently to assess the progress made since then.
In the wake of their original visit, inspectors highlighted a number of areas which needed more work. These included improving the quality of learning and teaching, improving approaches to planning of learning, teaching and assessment and improving leadership across the school.
There was praise for the school’s "welcoming, nurturing and caring ethos".
In their follow-up report, the inspectors found there has been a positive change in how well the school helps children learn and understand the school values.
They also emphasise that the staff have successfully reintroduced pupil leadership opportunities and children are encouraged to talk more about their learning.
Additionally, teachers should continue to engage in a variety of learning activities which encourage children to think for themselves and accelerate their progress.
Overall, the inspectors found that school has made progress since the original inspection. They will continue to liaise with Moray Council regarding these improvements and will return for a follow up inspection within the year.
Acting head teacher of St Peter’s RC Primary School, Maureen Byrne, said: “I’m incredibly proud of all the staff and children who help make St Peter’s such a caring and welcoming school.
“It’s encouraging seeing the progress we have made so far, and I know everyone is dedicated to ensuring these improvements continue.”
Local councillor Sonya Warren said: “The entire school has worked hard to to make great improvements since the original inspection, which came very soon after the return from Covid.
“The staff are very dedicated and committed to the improvements and providing positive learning experiences for our young people.
“I’m looking forward to seeing continuing improvements under the leadership of Mrs Byrne.
“There is a great sense of community and belonging in the school, with such a happy atmosphere.”
Fellow ward member Councillor Neil McLennan said that education must remain a priority for the local authority.
He continued: I have said before that education and young people must be a priority for Moray - they are our future after all.
“We need to set an aspiration for our schools to be the best in Scotland. As a small authority, where things can happen quickly that is achievable. I have seen it in smaller authorities and it can happen with investment in education.
“I remain disappointed at the political manoeuvrings enacted to block my continued input to education committee. Why would you not want the person with significant education governance experience and safeguarding policy expertise to be inputting to education improvement locally? Mature operating systems wish robust challenge, effective critique and challenging questions to help them improve. I will continue to monitor education committee closely and input where I can to provide the critical scrutiny challenge that helps educational improvement. But, that also needs decisions to be made which invest in our children and our future.
“I would worry greatly at any moves to cut into school budgets or reduce capacity and senior school leadership expertise in school support and improvement. I will be keeping a watching eye on what is happening. I said a year ago that it would be interesting to see what budget the Conservatives put forward to invest in education. At that time some of the budget proposal thinking were shared by the Conservative leader in a radio interview before even elected members have been informed.
“Some of the cuts being talked about could not even happen. Sadly we have seen little investment or even a cohort plan from the Conservatives to date. All we have seen is cuts, cuts and more cuts. There are innovate approaches that can be taken. The electorate know well that my budgets have been blocked over two years including a budget which would have given Buckie the new high school it needs urgently.
“The latest inspection report, notes some progress but I see that the Inspectors will be coming back out again to visit in due course. Whilst a return visit may disappointing for some, staff should be commended for progress made so far and I am sure inspectors have given clear and achievable areas for further progress.
“At this point we need to commend the hard working education staff across our area. They work tirelessly supporting young people to be the best they can. But those staff need investment and a cohort vision and plan coming from the Administration group. That is how improvement happens - a coherent vision and investment in the things that matter. Moray's children and families deserve the very best.”
Moray Council’s Chief Education Officer, Vivienne Cross, added: “We’re pleased to see the progress the school has made since the previous inspection and the positive impact it’s having on the children’s learning and attainment.
“The Quality Improvement Officer and Primary Advisor linked with the school will continue to ensure further progress on these improvements areas are made.”
The full letter can be found on Education Scotland's website.