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Moray event goes into overdrive to save itself

By Alistair Whitfield

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Robbie Paterson, the chairman of Forres Theme Day.
Robbie Paterson, the chairman of Forres Theme Day.

A popular event that showcases hundreds of vintage vehicles could become a thing of the past itself if it can’t rustle up some new blood.

Forres Theme Day needs to find four extra committee members so it can go ahead as planned at the end of April next year.

Chairman Robbie Paterson said: "Sadly two members of our committee have died and others have either moved away or decided that they have done their bit and retired.

"We could desperately do with a handful of committee members and helpers on the day for things such as traffic control and parking.

"Without new people, we would have to consider winding things up."

Large crowds in Grant Park during Forres Theme Day in 2013.
Large crowds in Grant Park during Forres Theme Day in 2013.

Robbie emphasises that the role isn’t particularly hard.

All that's needed, he says, is an interest in vehicles and a bit of common sense.

He added: "We all help with fundraising, contacting likely competitors and exhibitors, as well as setting up on the day and cleaning up the park afterwards.

"The only role that would require a particular skill is that of treasurer."

Robbie points to how, as well as providing entertainment, the event always manages to brings lots of visitors to the town.

He added: "We usually have between 200 to 300 entries, 10 to 20 stalls, and in the region of 1500 to 2000 spectators."

A good turnout of cars shortly before the pandemic.
A good turnout of cars shortly before the pandemic.

Originally the event had a theme every year – which is why it's called Forres Theme Day.

For instance, entrants would dress in the type of clothes that were fashionable when their vehicle was made.

Or, alternatively, the theme might be a specific make or model.

However this idea was eventually dropped when the committee considered that the event ran the risk of repeating itself.

An array of classic cars.
An array of classic cars.

Committee members would need to attend a few meetings from this month until the day of the event which is set for April 30 next year.

If you’d like to offer your help, email robertpaterson195@btinternet.com

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