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Nestrans launch draft north-east regional transport strategy consultation

By Alan Beresford

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A 10-week consultation on a draft transport strategy for the north-east has been launched.

Cycling is just one form of transport to fall within the regional transport strategy consultation.
Cycling is just one form of transport to fall within the regional transport strategy consultation.

Regional transport body Nestrans has been working with stakeholders, partners and the public to develop the next Regional Transport Strategy. Known as Nestrans 2040, it will shape transport policies and actions for the next 20 years.

The strategy is grouped into six themes looking at: Plans for travel in the city centre; Increasing walking and cycling; A focus on alternative energy; Plans to address the challenges of rurality; Improving connectivity through road and rail links.

Chairwoman of Nestrans, Councillor Sandra Macdonald, said: “We’ve had a significant amount of investment in infrastructure since we developed our last strategy.

"The focus of this new strategy is ensuring that we harness the benefits of these major projects. We want to ensure that these plans will deliver a transport system that will meet the future needs of our area and aspirations of the region.”

Although the strategy is a long-term plan for the next 20 years, the partnership stated it is aware of the impact of Covid-19, and the changes it has made to how, and how often, people travel.

Councillor Macdonald added: “Last year few of us would have thought that entire organisations would have been able to work successfully from home.

"And yet for many, this is now the norm. How will that change the typical commute for the future? We’ve also seen surges in walking and cycling, and a desire to shop and support local; our priorities for travel are changing.

"Now is the time to share your views with us, as we set the direction for the next 20 years.”

The Regional Transport Strategy consultation will run until Friday, October 16. A virtual public exhibition will run for the course of the consultation, allowing people to drop-in, view plans and share feedback around the clock.

Full information on the draft regional transport strategy and how to take part in the consultation is available at Nestrans2040.org.uk

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