Disagreement over introduction of new Gordonstoun uniform, with petition set up in protest of decision
A PETITION has been set up in protest at a decision from Gordonstoun School to introduce a new uniform amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The private school announced the changes, estimated to cost parents roughly between £200 and £300, last week, and has been met with a mixture of praise and anger.
One parent, who called the timing of the move "insensitive", told the Northern Scot that communication on the issue from the school's management has been non-existent. They said that loyalty has been shown to the uniform supplier over families who have been affected financially by lockdown.
Gordonstoun, while admitting the timing is unfortunate, said the "overwhelming majority" are happy with the changes.
A spokesperson said: "Gordonstoun planned minor changes to its uniform prior to the covid-19 pandemic to raise the quality and comfort of some items.
"We surveyed every student, parent and staff member in the autumn and invited students to view samples and make choices before we decided to replace some items.
"We have also communicated with families about the plans on several occasions over the past few months to keep them updated on the process.
"The overwhelming majority of those who responded to the consultation exercise said they wanted a smarter, more comfortable uniform which is what we believe the changes will deliver.
"The school is very sympathetic to the financial pressures on parents at the moment but overall the cost of a new uniform is less expensive than it was previously, and the cost of the new items which will be required for next term is less than £200 per student.
"We have also arranged a facility for parents to sell used uniform via a website helping to offset the cost in due course, which is something few other schools offer.
"We appreciate the timing of this change is unfortunate and we would not have chosen to make these changes now but we can not simply revert to the original uniform as it has been discontinued and we are committed to a contract with a supplier which we must honour. The school pays for the uniform of students who are on full bursaries."
However, a petition, believed to have been set up by a pupil, said the uniform is likely to cost close to £300 and argued the money could be better used elsewhere by struggling families.
It added: "Gordonstoun is portrayed in the media as regal school for the upper-class but in reality many of the attending students are on scholarships, bursaries or have financial issues and therefore cannot afford a new uniform.
"Before the new school year they tested out these uniforms on various students and they all disagreed with even the suggestion of this proposition. Personally asking students about this there was not a single person that has felt positively about this decision.
"If Gordonstoun had better timing with the release of the uniform it would be a reasonable decision, but with many families struggling during coronavirus the reasoning is not clear.
"Normally the school shows unity as a democracy but this was a decision made with little to no input from the students."
A number of parents, both for and against the change in uniform, have come forward to make their point on the issue. All have remained anonymous.
One of the parents against the changes said they were being made without consultation, and that the move is typical of the new management at the school.
They said: "The core issue is that we are in a pandemic, people whose children go to the school have lost their jobs and teachers have been furloughed.
"The decision to plough ahead with uniform at this time is insensitive to the fact there are tens of people that have been hit by the pandemic.
"The uniform issue is symbolic of the wider leadership. They are not listening to teachers and students. If they want to do something then they go ahead with it.
"There were a lot of complaints against the uniform from teachers and parents but the school's newsletter says it's a great success and thanks for the feedback. It's all spin.
"They had a commitment to the company so they say – they committed to the company rather than parents and students who are struggling financially.
"The school and its governors need to place trust in teachers and remove the new management for Gordonstoun to be a great school again."
Another parent, who has three children at the school, got in touch to say the changes were expected and necessary.
They said: "The changes in the school uniform are good and necessary. The timing is not great but I'm interested in my kids being warm.
"Every bill at the moment is unfortunate, but that's not the school's fault.
"New management always causes a problem but I think the ethos has remained intact through changes in management, time, global financial situations.
"The people running have the school's best interest at heart."
The petition can be viewed HERE.