Health in Moray: Save Our Surgeries campaign group share next steps following investigation
THE Save Our Surgeries group have shared their plans to continue fighting for the return of Hopeman and Burghead GP surgeries – and intend to bring their fight to Holyrood.
The campaign group have been fighting to return primary health care to the two coastal villages and recently met with Evan Beswick – a consultant commissioned by the Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Health – to review the process which was undertaken as part of the process to close the surgeries.
Save Our Surgeries member Syanness Tunggal said: "We made sure to tell Mr Beswick about how the consultation process was carried out and that the outcomes of the consultation were not taken into account. The surgeries were closed despite 85 per cent of survey respondents stating they were against the closure and 100 per cent of the people at the public meetings being against it.
“We also briefed him on what we are trying to do and told him about the issues we are having with people unable to access the clinic in Lossiemouth."
The group are now looking into options to create a new health care centre for the two villages and are continuing to raise awareness of the issue, with plans to go to the Scottish Parliament to deliver petitions and case studies.
The campaigners also recently met with Douglas Ross, who has reaffirmed his support of the group, to discuss their next steps.
Moray MP Douglas Ross said: "This was a positive and constructive meeting as usual about the next steps for the group and their plans for the year ahead. It is crucial that momentum in the campaign continues, not only within the local communities, but also nationally which is why I will continue to raise the issue with relevant SNP ministers and in Parliament.
“All too often areas in Moray bear the brunt of services being centralised and that has a deeply damaging impact on local people.
“I have been proud to stand alongside Save our Surgeries campaigners and will continue to meet regularly with them in the hope of finding a positive solution to this situation once and for all.”
Ms Tunggal added: "We'll keep trying, even if we have to fundraise and secure the lease through the community. We'll keep trying to find a solution that works for our communities."