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Spey Fishery Board launches 'Save Our Smolts' project to save thousands of salmon

By Ewan Malcolm

AN innovative conservation project has been launched on the River Spey to save thousands of salmon.

Spey Fishery Board biologists and director (From left-Steve Burns, Kevin Greensill and Roger Knight).
Spey Fishery Board biologists and director (From left-Steve Burns, Kevin Greensill and Roger Knight).

The Spey Fishery Board has announced the launch of the 'Save Our Smolts' project aimed at protecting young Atlantic salmon, known as smolts, during their migration phase from the Spey to the North Atlantic.

The project has been launched in response to dwindling Atlantic salmon populations with their numbers dropping by more than 75 per cent over the last 20 years.

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Atlantic salmon are born in the headwaters of the River Spey before journeying into the North Atlantic to feed. Protecting smolts during this critical phase is crucial to the species' survival.

Smolts being collected.
Smolts being collected.

Roger Knight, the Spey Fishery Board's Director, said: "We are thrilled to be launching this important project, which has the potential to make a real difference to the survival of young salmon in the Spey. We believe that by working together, we can protect this vital part of our natural heritage and ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy these magnificent fish."

The board, as participants in the Atlantic Salmon Trust's Moray Firth Tracking project which looked at the downstream migration of salmon smolts, has contributed to findings which are indicating that rivers with ‘pinch points’ experience higher smolt loss rate around these features.

The project, building on this data, aims to address this issue by trapping and relocating juvenile salmon around known pinch points on the River Spey, ensuring their safe passage.

During this year's trial, salmon will be collected in traps on these points on the river. The salmon will then be electronically tagged, with half released above Loch Insh and half below.

By monitoring the survival rates of the two groups, the project aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of trapping and relocating smolts on the River Spey.

Smolt trap which will be used to catch young salmon.
Smolt trap which will be used to catch young salmon.

Dr Sandy Scott, Chairman of the Spey Fishery Board, said: “Anglers from across the world visit the River Spey each year to fish for salmon, providing the backbone of our local economy so we must do all we can to help our Atlantic salmon – an iconic species sadly now in crisis.

"This work is very demanding on the limited resources of the board’s small team, but it is vital if we are to achieve our mission of getting as many salmon smolts as possible out to sea. We look forward to hearing about the results in due course."

The project, which will run during the spring and early summer of 2023, highlights the importance of protecting young salmon, which are vital to the ecosystem.

Mark Bilsby, CEO Atlantic Salmon Trust, added: "This project is a great example of our sector working together and building on joint successes, ensuring that the important work from the Moray Firth Tracking Project stimulates further action to protect wild fish.

"That great, collaborative project is giving river boards and managers the confidence to take the next informed steps on their own catchments. We look forward to continuing to work closely with the River Spey, supporting them wherever we can to help them achieve their goals."

To find out more about the Save our Smolts project, visit the Spey Fishery Board’s website here: https://www.riverspey.org/news/save-our-smolts-trap-and-truck-project-launched-on-the-river-spey.

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