Councillors have agreed to seek a court order allowing them to build a bus drop-off area on Common Good land.
A councillor with nearly 30 years of experience has apologised over an outburst prompted by losing a vote.
Councillors have agreed to slash planned spending plans on roads, education and leisure projects - including the Cloddach Bridge.
Moray Council will not back Elgin BID (Business Improvement District) in a coming vote to decide whether the business group will continue.
Moray’s only shopping centre was gated and padlocked shortly after lunchtime yesterday - and it will not reopen today.
The public have been urged to share information about a missing woman.
Services will continue operating from a town’s main bus station after its only shopping centre closes - but backup plans remain on the table.
With the St Giles Centre closing in just days, many are wondering how big the blow to shopping in Elgin will be.
A major High Street chain has closed its only store in the area.
A beauty therapist is delighted to have found a new home after being turfed out of a closing shopping centre.
The closure of Moray’s only shopping centre could impact bus operations, according to a trade union.
The only Argos store in the area will close by the end of the week.
A family whisky firm with 130 years of heritage has closed its shop after “unexpected” news that the town’s only shopping centre will close.
Drugs and money worth more than £10,000 has been seized from an Elgin property by police.
A retail chain is set to leave Elgin before the town’s only shopping centre closes.
Authorities should consider “all legal and political options” to help St Giles Centre workers left fearing for their jobs, trade unionists have said.
The closure of Moray’s largest shopping centre will “take the heart out of the town”, shoppers have said.
Town centre properties are in the midst of a power cut, according to an electricity network firm.
Moray has seen another day of snow, which brought an extended weather warning, widespread bus cancellations and mid-day school closures.
A number of flights departing from and arriving at Aberdeen Airport this morning have been cancelled.